There Will Be Casualties

There Will Be Casualties

If we allow young children to have stressed lives, poor exposure to quality language experiences with friends and family, little movement and physical play, and a lack of consistent home routines, there will be casualties. If we allow kids to be poorly nourished, isolated and distracted by a constant barrage of video entertainment options, there will be casualties. If we allow children to endure poor quality childcare and exhibit a lack of self-regulation and poor social skills, there will be casualties. If we put children into curriculum-driven classrooms, and race though content without matching instruction to their needs or readiness, there will be casualties.

Every child who becomes a chronically frustrated and disengaged learner in the information age is a casualty. By fourth grade 67% of the children in America are on their way to becoming learning casualties.

I call this malpractice, and possibly criminal negligence.