by Bob Sornson Digital game designers do not use end of unit assessments and they don’t give grades. There is no Bell Curve. Instead, assessment is embedded into every moment […]
March 3, 2017 Southeast Education Network Magazine, the Future of Education The bureaucrats were the worst. They dug in their heels and clung to the control model that included long […]
Bob Sornson’s newest book is Brainless Sameness, the Demise of One-Size-Fits-All Instruction and the Rise of Competency Based Learning. This book is a manifesto for change, away from an age-based and time […]
They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Some have experienced rich and interesting learning experiences at home, with movement, play, interactive language experiences, nature, safety, connection, and high-quality family […]
The parenting series that changes lives This series of five seminars will help parents in your community develop the skills, behaviors, and routines to raise calm and capable children who […]
Principal, September/October 2016 Stepping Stones to Mastery: How competency based learning creates personalized pathways to success for young learners. By Bob Sornson Every day, educators have the opportunity to shape […]
Competency Based Learning: Instruction that Matches the Needs of Each Student SouthEast Education Network Journal 05/18/2016 By Bob Sornson In theory, the choice is simple. Continue to implement a time-bound; […]
Identify and Focus on Essential Learning Outcomes by Bob Sornson At the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, preschool students in the Corinth-Alcorn-Prentiss Learning Collaborative were tested using the Star […]
In his new book, Over-Tested and Under-Prepared: Using Competency Based Learning to Transform Our Schools, Dr. Bob Sornson describes the reasons we operate within a content-driven one-size-fits-all instructional model, and […]
In his new book, Over-Tested and Under-Prepared: Using Competency Based Learning to Transform Our Schools, Dr. Bob Sornson describes the reasons we operate within a content-driven one-size-fits-all instructional model, and […]