Neuroscientists note that neurons that fire together usually wire together. Neural networks grow based on use. Myelination occurs as these networks continue to be used. Neural systems that are used […]
If you wanted to create a system that limits educational options and consigns the vast majority of poor American children to continue to live in poverty, just look around you. […]
“First do no harm” is usually ascribed to Hippocrates, who devised his physicians’ oath in the late 5th century BC. Perhaps it’s time that American teachers make a similar pledge. […]
“We covered it,” is a familiar expression, “but they just didn’t learn it.” In most schools we continue to deliver far too much content using a rigid schedule which […]
For decades American schools have been engaged in a failed experiment, attempting to cram more content than humanly possible into a typical teaching day, and asking children to learn overwhelming […]
How much would I have to pay you to purposefully harm poor children in America? An offensive question to most American teachers, I suppose. In 1961, Yale University psychologist Dr. […]
It begins with understanding the problem, and is quickly followed by the question of commitment. Recently I spent the morning in a Kindergarten classroom in a poor urban school district. […]
For decades American schools have been engaged in a failed experiment, attempting to cram more content into a typical teaching day than humanly possible, asking children to learn overwhelming content […]
If we allow young children to have stressed lives, poor exposure to quality language experiences with friends and family, little movement and physical play, and a lack of consistent home […]
You already know what it looks like. A child is healthy, safe, well-nourished, and calm. Because she is in a safe place, and because she has a strong sense of […]